Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Paper Topic - Week 2

Paper Topic - Week 2

Q Instructions Please submit your proposed paper topic here. All topics must be approved in order to get credit for the paper. Here are some ideas: - In-depth access of a specific agency - Examination of the rule-making or adjudication function of a specific agency - Case study (example: veteran interacting with the VA) - Review of a specific law impacting agencies - Analysis of news story involving administrative law This assignment is NOT graded, however it is required. If you do not submit a paper topic, your research paper will not be accepted. Your topic should be around a paragraph long and give some detail into your ideas. Due Date Nov 20, 2022 11:59 PM

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Paper Topic - Week 2 I decided to focus my research paper on Sexual Harrassment/Assault in the armed forces. #IAMVANESSAGUILLEN was recently released on Netflix and after watching the documentary, I was inspired to pick that topic. The Department of Defense is broken down now into six branches and being that I’m in the military, why not? Sexual Harrasment/Assault has been happening in the military for decades and has not really got any spotlight from the general public due to the fact that the military fall under a completely different structure and jurisdiction. The armed forces follow the Uniform Code of Military Justice known as UCMJ.